
OmniSat: Self-Supervised Modality Fusion for Earth Observation

Astruc G. (2024). "OmniSat: Self-Supervised Modality Fusion for Earth Observation" preprint.

This paper is about self-supervised multimodal learning modal for more efficient training scheme (with very high resolution aerial image and satellite time series).

High resolution neural texture synthesis with long range constraints

Gonthier, N. (2022). "High resolution neural texture synthesis with long range constraints" Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

This paper is about texture synthesis with CNN, we proposed a Multiscale strategy. We show that additional statistical constraints further improve the reproduction of textures with strong regularity (spectrum or autocorrelation).

Multiple instance learning on deep features for weakly supervised object detection with extreme domain shifts

Gonthier, N. (2022). "Multiple instance learning on deep features for weakly supervised object detection with extreme domain shifts" Computer Vision and Image Understanding.

This paper is about weakly supervised object in artworks (paintings, watercolor etc) based on multiple instance learning. We propose a simple multiple instance approach applied on pre-trained deep features to learn new classes on non-photographic datasets.

Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Artworks

Gonthier, N. (2018). "Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Artworks" Workshop on Computer Vision for Art Analysis ECCV.

This paper is about weakly supervised object in artworks thanks to pretrained features extraction and multiple instance learning.

Neural signature of inattentional deafness

Durantin, G. (2017). "Neural signature of inattentional deafness" Human Brain Mapping.

Gautier Durantin, Frederic Dehais, Nicolas Gonthier, Cengiz Terzibas and Daniel E. Callan